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Links of The Week
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Featured image of the Impact promotional brochure cover, Geoffrey Lee, 1965 (Stephenson Blake Foundry) (Image credit: Merrell Publishers)

Links of the week ending 13 October 2023

‘Mid-Century Type’ surveys the best graphic design from 1945 to 1965

Automate Graphic Design Activity with ChatGPT Canva Plugin

Adobe Releases New AI Models Aimed at Improved Graphic Design

10 Essential Mobile App UI Design Principles for Building Outstanding Apps

Neobrutalism components. A collection of type-safe components written in React and Tailwind

AI & SEO: How To Automatically Boost Your User Experience

This is what an unmoderated internet looks like. Content Moderation Is A Failed Project

GSAP – A wildly robust JavaScript animation library built for professionals

500+ Animated Icons for the Modern Web

✨ and,

Who signed that off? These hilarious design fails will leave you baffled

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