Featured image of Evan Roth’s All HTML website screenshot (hint: view it’s source)
Links of the week ending 29 March 2024
xz/liblzma vulnerability article - A Microcosm of the interactions in Open Source projects
Are You Affected by the Backdoor in XZ Utils?
UX meets Cynefin: Making a sense-making device more sensible
Cynefin Framework (pronounced kuh-nev-in) Making Sense of Complexity
12 Figma tips to work more efficiently
Canva’s Affinity acquisition means serious competition for Adobe
Affinity users won’t be forced into paying subscriptions following Canva acquisition
Creative CAPTCHA puzzles can help promote web accessibility—and security
THE HTML REVIEW is an annual journal of literature made to exist on the web
How To Adapt SEO Strategies To Better Appear In Google SGE
✨ and,
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