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Links of The Week

Nº214 - Typography, Vector-Libraries, Jamstack and UX


Image of Absurd Illustrations that make sense

Absurd Illustrations that make sense

Best Character Creators and Vector Libraries to Favor The UX

10 Newest and promising UI design trends

Six Fonts that Prove Bauhaus-Inspired Typography is Alive and Well

What Is Molecular Typography, and Why Is It Experiencing a Resurgence? ⚛

Is your frontend hogging your users’ CPU? Improve site performance by inlining your CSS

SEO on a shoestring budget: What small business owners can do to win

UI copy: Remove vs Delete. The difference between “remove” and “delete,” and how to ensure your user understands.

Just rebranded static sites? 🧐 5 Myths About Jamstack

✨ and,

Environments & Backgrounds. Animated Illustrations by Mienar

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